The compressed air filters installed inline between the air compressor and dryer are adequate for the flow of the
system and should provide clean mostly oil free compressed air to production.
There is one 3000 gallon receiver tank installed between the compressed air supply and distribution system and one
3000 gallon receiver tank onsite that is to be installed at a later date.
Note: tanks should be installed to minimize the effect on pressure of intermittent system demand spikes, but do not
generate compressed air. Long periods of compressed air demand above the output of the air compressors will result
in reduced pressure in production areas.
Condensate Drains:
There are 10 pneumatically operated no loss condensate drains installed in the system. One for each of the
compressors, dryers, filters, and tank. These valves are installed to remove the condensed moisture from the system
and only open when there is condensate present. The effect of these valves malfunctioning is that moisture that is
supposed to be removed in the cleanup equipment will pass into the distribution system.
Distribution Piping
The compressed air distribution piping installed throughout the facility is more than adequate to handle current
and future production demands. The pipe installed between the distribution loop and blast pots in both blast
booths is 4” black iron. The table below shows the pressure loss per 100 feet for 4” schedule 40 black iron pipe.
It shows that there should be minimal pressure drop between the loop and the and the blast pot.